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Hardcore Crushing and our Sister Company, Steptoe’s Yard, Sponsors Racing Champion Jak Hall

Jak Hall

Get ready for some high-octane excitement! Along with our sister company, Steptoe’s Yard Ltd, we are proud sponsors of Jak Hall, the reigning Gold Roof Champion of the 2023 Outlaw Oval Racing Series of Formula 2 Stock Car racing.

As a fellow company driven by power and performance, we at Hardcore Crushing Ltd understand the passion and grit it takes to excel in such a competitive sport. Jak’s victory is a well-deserved win and a valid showcase of his impressive driving skills.

We’re thrilled to be involved with local talent and help bring the excitement of racing to the community. We’re also pleased to announce that this sponsorship will continue in 2024 – we’re keeping our fingers crossed for another fantastic season for Jak!



CALL 01254 233045

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